2021 Renault Captur Ongororo: Shot yeZen
Kwayedza Dhiraivha

2021 Renault Captur Ongororo: Shot yeZen

Zen ndeyechipiri muzvikamu zvitatu uye ine kukosha kwakanyanya kwevatatu pamadhora makumi matatu nemakumi manomwe nemakumi mapfumbamwe.

Unowana 17-inch mavhiri, jira mukati, otomatiki mwenje, mamiriro ekunze, air conditioning, Apple CarPlay uye Android Auto pane 7.0-inch landscape-based touchscreen, yakazara LED headlights (yakanaka), pamberi uye kumashure kupaka. sensors, reversing camera, auto-lock paunenge uchityaira, heat leather steering, automatic wipers, two-tone peint option, keyless entry and start with Renault key card, wireless charger and a space-saving part.

MaCaturs ese ari matatu ane injini imwe chete ye1.3-litre turbocharged four-cylinder ine 113kW ne270Nm yetorque, iyo inoburitsa mafuta anofungidzirwa kuti anoshandisa 6.6L/100km.

Iyo yakajairwa kuchengetedza pasuru ine matanhatu airbags, ABS, kugadzikana uye traction control, pamberi AEB (kusvika 170 km/h) ine vanofamba netsoka uye vanochovha bhasikoro vanoonekwa (10-80 km/h), kumashure kwekuona kamera, kumashure ekupaka sensors, kumberi yambiro. kubonderana, migwagwa yemotokari. yambiro yekusimuka uye rubatsiro rwekuchengetedza nzira. Iyo Zen inouya yakajairwa neyakayambuka-traffic yalert uye kuona-spot yekutarisa, nepo Hupenyu hunodhura madhora chiuru.

Captur akagamuchira chiyero chenyeredzi shanu cheANCAP mukubvumirana neEuro NCAP.
